Team Tokyo asked people...
"What makes you smile?" and "What is happiness for you?"
What makes you smile?
★When I'm sleeping
★When a little and good thing happens
What is happiness for you?
★Eating foods as much as I like to
★Staying someone that I like or love
★Feeling I am needed by someone else
★Seeing someone eat delicious foods
★Keeping smiling
People were happy to answer these questions!!!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Survey on December 9th in Austria
Team Austria asked people this question!!
What makes you smile?
❤All the small things (it's difficult to explain but lots of small things...)
❤The sunshine after a lot of cloudy days
❤A lot of money
❤Making friends
❤Whenever I am with a beatiful woman, I smile, yeah!
❤When the first snowflakes fall
❤When I talk with my friends. I'm outside Korea, I miss my friends, I call them, and I smile
and laugh a lot.
❤When I'm with my girlfriend
❤Pretty dogs (I don't have one and I really want to have one.)
❤Beautiful weather, nature and city (Whenever I'm traveling in the beautiful weather in the
beautiful city, it makes me smile.)
❤All the sweet things
❤Staying with my friends (If my friends smile, I smile.)
What makes you smile?
❤All the small things (it's difficult to explain but lots of small things...)
❤The sunshine after a lot of cloudy days
❤A lot of money
❤Making friends
❤Whenever I am with a beatiful woman, I smile, yeah!
❤When the first snowflakes fall
❤When I talk with my friends. I'm outside Korea, I miss my friends, I call them, and I smile
and laugh a lot.
❤When I'm with my girlfriend
❤Pretty dogs (I don't have one and I really want to have one.)
❤Beautiful weather, nature and city (Whenever I'm traveling in the beautiful weather in the
beautiful city, it makes me smile.)
❤All the sweet things
❤Staying with my friends (If my friends smile, I smile.)
Friday, December 23, 2011
SURVEY DEC.9th in Vancouver
We surveyed people in 3 places downtown Vancoucer!!
The questions we asked were... "What makes you smile?" "What are you passionate about?" "What do you want to say to the world?"
Say your guess on our facebook page!!!
What makes you smile?
JBeautiful day JSunshine JBlue sky JMy son JYour happy face JYou being here JYou JHappy people JBeautiful people JAnother smile JWhen people treat me in a nice way JWhen people donate to charity JHappiness JLove JLife JHappy coincidences JHappy memories JHappy surprises JThe thought of my husband JMy family JSunny day JMy friends JA lot of money JMy girlfriend JMy husband JKids JTalking with friends JChristmas JFlowers JCandy JPuppy JMusic JDance JDelicious foods JJokes JFunny things
What are you passionate about?
JFamily JCooking JLife JComputers JHelping others JTV JBasketball JPeace JCookies JSocial justice JLiberty JSoccer JPoetry JHiking JPlaying guitar JPeople JThe world JLearning JLanguage
What do you want to say to the world?
JBe kind to all wing creatures. JLet's be happy! JStop fighting. JI wish everyone good health, peace of mind's, a warm and safe place to sleep at night! JTry doing the right things. JKeep smiling and stay positive! JEverybody life in peace. JThank you to the loving people. JStop monsanto! We do not need modified food! JMerry Christmas. Spread the love. JGlobal warming is a huge issue. Work it out please! JHello World! JTake care me, please! JDear World, at 12:00 Greenwich time, please all sing Christmas Is by Run DMC. JLive life to your fulleat everyday. JI love you, mommy!!! JBe happy with who you are. JEnd hunter. JBe kind to others. JGo on a new journey everyday. JLook after each other. JHave fun! JI want to see the world clean, no crime, and everybody happy. JPeace be upon you. JSlow down global warming. JBe yourself. JNamaste. JThank you. JBe kind-Spread love-Make peace JI love you, Andre. JI love you, too, Julie. JHave faith. JPeace on Earth JLove, peace and merry Christmas to everyone. JSometimes it takes time to get what you want! JYou are beautiful. Thank you for the trails to hike on, the mountains to ski down and the sunsets to admire. I love you! JFly like angel. JGuys, save thtreese. JIf someday you need to choose between the world and the love, remember... if you choose world, you'll be without love, if you choose love, with it, you'll get the whole world!
We met a lot of people in Downtown Vancouver, and enjoyed talking with them! We had a great time together!!!
The questions we asked were... "What makes you smile?" "What are you passionate about?" "What do you want to say to the world?"
Say your guess on our facebook page!!!
What makes you smile?
JBeautiful day JSunshine JBlue sky JMy son JYour happy face JYou being here JYou JHappy people JBeautiful people JAnother smile JWhen people treat me in a nice way JWhen people donate to charity JHappiness JLove JLife JHappy coincidences JHappy memories JHappy surprises JThe thought of my husband JMy family JSunny day JMy friends JA lot of money JMy girlfriend JMy husband JKids JTalking with friends JChristmas JFlowers JCandy JPuppy JMusic JDance JDelicious foods JJokes JFunny things
What are you passionate about?
JFamily JCooking JLife JComputers JHelping others JTV JBasketball JPeace JCookies JSocial justice JLiberty JSoccer JPoetry JHiking JPlaying guitar JPeople JThe world JLearning JLanguage
What do you want to say to the world?
JBe kind to all wing creatures. JLet's be happy! JStop fighting. JI wish everyone good health, peace of mind's, a warm and safe place to sleep at night! JTry doing the right things. JKeep smiling and stay positive! JEverybody life in peace. JThank you to the loving people. JStop monsanto! We do not need modified food! JMerry Christmas. Spread the love. JGlobal warming is a huge issue. Work it out please! JHello World! JTake care me, please! JDear World, at 12:00 Greenwich time, please all sing Christmas Is by Run DMC. JLive life to your fulleat everyday. JI love you, mommy!!! JBe happy with who you are. JEnd hunter. JBe kind to others. JGo on a new journey everyday. JLook after each other. JHave fun! JI want to see the world clean, no crime, and everybody happy. JPeace be upon you. JSlow down global warming. JBe yourself. JNamaste. JThank you. JBe kind-Spread love-Make peace JI love you, Andre. JI love you, too, Julie. JHave faith. JPeace on Earth JLove, peace and merry Christmas to everyone. JSometimes it takes time to get what you want! JYou are beautiful. Thank you for the trails to hike on, the mountains to ski down and the sunsets to admire. I love you! JFly like angel. JGuys, save thtreese. JIf someday you need to choose between the world and the love, remember... if you choose world, you'll be without love, if you choose love, with it, you'll get the whole world!
We met a lot of people in Downtown Vancouver, and enjoyed talking with them! We had a great time together!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Hello from England!
Great to see what everyone has been doing, here at last are a few snapshots of what the English SUN team got up to on their SUN-day!
And we didn't just record the responses with photos and notes, we also captured a few stars on video! You can check them out on Facebook, though I'll try to get them up here too.
Finally, have a look at this - we aren't the only ones thinking about happiness these days. Another group of students and teachers have set up The Happiness Project, so I've sent them the posters we've made. You should be able to see them soon, and have a look at what others around the world have created!
That's all for now, happy holidays everyone, see you in the new year!
Great to see what everyone has been doing, here at last are a few snapshots of what the English SUN team got up to on their SUN-day!
Mohamed ready to get some answers!
Everyone was happy to answer, really!
"You can put your answer in the box, like this."
Uniting Nations!
What makes them smile? Having their photo taken!
And we didn't just record the responses with photos and notes, we also captured a few stars on video! You can check them out on Facebook, though I'll try to get them up here too.
Finally, have a look at this - we aren't the only ones thinking about happiness these days. Another group of students and teachers have set up The Happiness Project, so I've sent them the posters we've made. You should be able to see them soon, and have a look at what others around the world have created!
That's all for now, happy holidays everyone, see you in the new year!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
SUNners in the world - the Video from Austria
Hey, this is so cool!!
We got a Video from Austria!!
I'm so happy that I could see my old friends in the video, as well.
Thank you so much for working on this in Austira, Andi :)
I'm so glad that I could get this Video on the eve of our Global Community Get Together.
We've been working on this event for about 2 months already and the day is finally coming tomorrow. Can you believe that??
SUNners in Vancouver, we really worked hard together on this and now we are strongly connected each other. 2 months ago, we started this from nothing. Now, we got more members here in Vancouver and we also have people who are working for the same event in other countries. And tomorrow, we finally can see what we have been working for. Isn't that cool??
"What makes you smile?"
When you ask people this simple question, they can simply look back their life and find a small happiness in their heart that makes them smile.
Chocolates, puppies, girl friend/boy friend, family, friends, sunny days, etc..
Whatever it is, when they are thinking of the answer, they start smiling and that makes you also happy, that makes your day special.
We can share this small happiness together in our team, with people in Vancouver and SUNners in other counties tomorrow.
This is so great!!
Ahhh!! Can't wait for tomorrow :)
Bring your biiiiiiiiiiiiiig smile!!
P.S. Anyway, chocolates make me smile, too!!
Monday, December 5, 2011
SUNners in the world!!
This message is from the SUN project team in Tarragona, Spain.
I'm so glad to know that the people in other city are also working on this project to spread smiles in their community. They have their own Spanish blog for this project, too.【】
Have your say in the global conversation!!
What are you going to do in your community??
We are a group of different students from Tarragona (Spain), a small city near Barcelona.
I knew by kat the creation from this project and is so interesant for me, because i'm studying social and cultural animation and this cause could help me in my work.
we are too interested in create a team here in our city for two motives:
1) we are very implicate in social projects
2) We believe the world can (and need) change.
I hope to connected with us,
I'm so glad to know that the people in other city are also working on this project to spread smiles in their community. They have their own Spanish blog for this project, too.【】
Have your say in the global conversation!!
What are you going to do in your community??
Poster Making Party!!
【See all photos】
Hey World,
The day of our first international event is finally coming!! How's everything going??
We all are excited about the day.
We had a Poster making party on last Friday. We made a lot of sings and boxes.

The signs really worked when we had a trial survey last time; they helped us a lot to attract people and have more confident to go and talk to people.
The boxes are for collecting papers that people write their answer on. We are planning on having 3 groups on DEC9, so one question(one box) for each group.
We made signs say
- What makes you smile?
- What are you passionate about?
- What do you want to say to the world?
- Have your say in the global conversation!!
And we wrote the answers for those questions from the last trial survey around the boxes, so that people who answers the question can see the answers as examples.
We also put a big poster says "What makes you smile?" on the wall of one of our Vancouver campus.
- My friends make me smile
- 'Thank you' makes me smile
- My family
- Chocolate
- My boyfriend makes me smile <3
Those sweet answers on the "Happiness Wall" made me smile and they made my day!!
Thank you so much for your sweet answers.
Hey World,
The day of our first international event is finally coming!! How's everything going??
We all are excited about the day.
We had a Poster making party on last Friday. We made a lot of sings and boxes.

The signs really worked when we had a trial survey last time; they helped us a lot to attract people and have more confident to go and talk to people.
The boxes are for collecting papers that people write their answer on. We are planning on having 3 groups on DEC9, so one question(one box) for each group.
We made signs say
- What makes you smile?
- What are you passionate about?
- What do you want to say to the world?
- Have your say in the global conversation!!
And we wrote the answers for those questions from the last trial survey around the boxes, so that people who answers the question can see the answers as examples.
We also put a big poster says "What makes you smile?" on the wall of one of our Vancouver campus.
We already got many cool answers on the paper from students in our school!!
- My friends make me smile
- 'Thank you' makes me smile
- My family
- Chocolate
- My boyfriend makes me smile <3
Those sweet answers on the "Happiness Wall" made me smile and they made my day!!
Thank you so much for your sweet answers.
There is
that would take away my smile.
Let's share your smile with the world!!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Trial! (in Vancouver)
Today, we surveyed people so that we could see how the questions that we made worked and how we can make it better for the real survey on December 9th!!! Check our some of the answers we got:
What makes you smile??
The smile on my kid's face, Seeing you makes me happy, Skiing and sushi, My fabulous family, My friends, someone who smiles, love, Seeing sunshine in Vancouver, Mexican food, Oscar Wilde, Chocolate
What do you want to say to the world?
Stop fighting. Hope. Love is all there is. Love is in everything. Love is infinite. Simplicity is comfort.Community is essential. There is much more to see that eyes can see. Love everything.
What are you passionate about?
Philadelphia flyers. After Philadelphia scores a goal, I’m very happy. Almost as happy as the players on the ice because I have followed hockey since I was a little kid, Caring for every living entity and living beings. I love to dance, painting, and make the people happy. I love to see the people smile. BC LIONS, Travelling, Baseball, Fashion, Music
First we all were kind of nervous to go and talk to people, but actually it was really COOL and FUN!! It was really good experience for us to communicate with people. We talked to many people. They all were kind and nice. When people were telling their answers for those questions, they were smiling and it also made us smile. We felt very good after we finished this trial survey today.
Hope we can share this feeling with you, too!!
For all the other teams out there preparing for "A Global Community Get Together". we have some advice!
We think there should be minimum 5 people in each place. That way, each person and be responsible for one of these things:
1) holding a sign with one of the questions you are asking (In Vancouver we are going to ask "What makes you smile?", "What are you passionate about?" and "What do you want to tell the world?") and another person holding a sign that says "JOIN THE GLOBAL CONVERSATION!"
2) handing out pieces of paper and pens to each person so that they can write the answer
3) holding a box (wrapped in paper with a slit cut in the top and example answers written on the outside) which people put the answers in
4) handing pieces of paper which have the URL of this blog and our facebook page so that people can see the answers from ALL OVER THE WORLD!
Smile :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A big meeting day!!
For people in Vancouver,
Did you get this flyer from us at school today??
Tomorrow lunch time, we are going to have a meeting for people who are interested in our activity!!
Meet at 540 Seymore campus room# 209 on lunch time.
Bring your own lunch and friends!!
See you tomorrow :)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
What makes your smile??!
Today, we talked about what we are really going to do on Dec.9th in our community.
Which place is good for survey?
What should we do on the day to make people smile?
What else can we do?? We don't want to only do survey. It's boring!!!
We had a brainstorm to know what make us smile, what make people smile!!
Money?? lol
I said; "I can't help smiling when I see these Chinese laughing man statues!!"
Everyone in Vancouver should know these laughing Chinese men statues in English Bay.
I love these amassing laughter so much. I believe that nothing can make people smile better than them.
And I also said; "I think people's smile make me smile. When I see someone laughing so hard, it makes me laugh, too even when I'm not feeling like laughing at all. "
Then Khu said: "Hey!!!! I have a good idea!!! We can ask for one best smile from people before/after our survey!!"
And we all were like "Wow!!", as if we had found a treasure trove of new idea!!!
And after that, lots of gooood and interesting ideas came out :)
So here is our ideas from yesterday's meeting.
Meet at 1 oclock
Make groups of 3-4 and go to survey (to.. Art Gallery/UB sC/Metrotown/Vancouver Library/Canada Place etc. )
Have big board says "Give me your big smile!!"
And do survey. It's not asking people to fill the survey sheet, but having conversation and we fill the survey sheet or we also can use recorders. (My teachers!! Can we borrow the recorders from school??)
After the survey, we say thank you and "take one smile to home!!"
And on this piece of to go smile paper, we can put the URL of our blog page so that people who answered the survey also can check the result later!!!
We take lots of pictures, we take lots of videos, so that we can share them later!!
At 4 o'clock, everyone gets together again and talks about the survey!!
And then... Go for a dinerrrrr!!! (Or drink <3)
What do you think about this idea??
We also talked about what we can do with the results which we would get from our survey and other communities.
But now, it's time for me to go to eat Japanese ramen, so i will write it later :p
See you sooooon!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Global Community Get Together - What makes you smile?
Global Community Get Together - What makes you smile? from we are sunners on Vimeo.
If you are interested in creating a team in your city, contact Yui and Ayaka at
Can't wait to get connected with you!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Team Vancouver
Meet your Vancouver SUNners: JiEun, Khim, Joe (our newest member!), Khu, Ayaka, Lesley, Yui, Sarah and Katerina. Missing: Nicole
We took this photo after shooting a video to promote our "Global Community Get Together" - We'll be sharing it here as soon as it's ready! Thanks everyone who helped out with the video and special thanks to Nikhil and Chris from the Social Media and Marketing Department for their expertise!
We took this photo after shooting a video to promote our "Global Community Get Together" - We'll be sharing it here as soon as it's ready! Thanks everyone who helped out with the video and special thanks to Nikhil and Chris from the Social Media and Marketing Department for their expertise!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What's going on!
For those who live abroad and even for those who live in their home country, sometimes life can seem individualistic and disconnected. Humans are social; we need interaction and we need connection. Do you ever wonder, what’s going on in your community? What do people care about? What’s going on in the world? What are people thinking about? Are there any ideas that unite people across the world? And how can I reach out and be a part of this discussion?
Student’s Uniting Nations (SUN) encourages students, as well as other individuals, all over the world to connect at three different levels to answer these questions. First, individuals can connect and collaborate with the people closest to them – perhaps through school, work, or common friends. At this first level, the group would design questions for discussion and ways to approach their community. Next, as a team, this group would head out into the community and reach out to others through asking questions and sparking discussion. We want to know what’s important to people, what makes them smile, what they are passionate about. Finally, the responses from communities across the globe would be posted by the groups to a shared blog so that the discussions could be shared and compared.
What are you passionate about? Get connected and share with others. Unite with those around you, unite with other members of your community and unite with SUN! Become part of something bigger!
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